Toe Taps

Benefits: To strengthen the muscles of the trunk especially the transversus abdominis.

Preparation: Lie on your back with you knees bent. Arms down by your side with palms facing into the body. Press your lower back into the floor. Lift one leg at a time so that the knees are over the hips and the shins are parallel to the ceiling. There will be a small and equal gap between the inside of your knees and ankles.

Movement: Inhale to tap one toe down towards the floor, maintaining the right angle of the knee. The other knee does not move. Your toe may not reach the floor - the priority is to keep the back imprinted to the mat. Exhale to draw the knee back to its starting position.

Repeat 8 times changing legs.

Top tip: Try to keep the upper body relaxed - a support under the head may help.


Dead Bugs - Hold


Finding the transversus abdominis (TA)