Finding the transversus abdominis (TA)

Benefits: To help find and switch on the deepest abdominal muscle, the TA.

Preparation: Kneel on all fours, hands under armpits, knees under hips. Inner elbows facing each other - no hyper-extension. Maintain the natural curves of the spine, pelvis in neutral. Shoulder blades down back. Chin does not drop to chest.

Movement: Without moving the spine inhale to breathe into the belly allowing it to expand towards the floor. Exhale to draw navel into spine, pulling the belly into the body - without disturbing the position of the back.

Repeat 10 times.

Top tip: This is not the time to be vain! Really allow the belly to flop and expand as much as possible on the inhale. Imagine you have a flute of champagne balancing on your lower back so that you do not disturb the shape of your spine throughout the exercise.


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