The Complete Side Kick

Benefits: increase core stability and build awareness of trunk alignment, to strengthen and stretch the hip flexors and the gluteal muscles.

Preparation: lie on your side in a straight line, ankle joints flexed (dorsiflexion) head on top of outstretched underneath arm, hand of top arm resting on floor in front of chest. Shoulder blades slide down back towards hips. Navel to spine. Lift ribcage and waist away from floor. Try to keep pelvis in neutral. Do not allow torso to roll forward and back.


  1. Inhale and lengthen keeping lower leg on floor.

  2. Exhale to lift top leg in line with top hip (it’s small).

  3. Inhale to sweep leg forward, push through heal.

  4. Exhale to draw back to start position.

  5. Inhale, point foot (plantar flexion of ankle joint) and stretch leg behind, keeping at same height.

  6. Exhale to draw back to start position.

Repeat 6 times on each side.

Top Tip: place a small towel or support under the lower hip if you feel discomfort.


The Saw


The Side Kick (modified) part 2