Table Top

Benefits: To strengthen the core muscles of the trunk while moving the limbs. Improving balance and control. Learning pelvic stability and strengthening the gluteals and hamstrings.

Preparation: Kneel on all fours, hands under armpits, knees under hips. Inner elbows facing each other - no hyper-extension. Maintain the natural curves of the spine, pelvis in neutral. Shoulder blades down back. Chin does not drop to chest. Keep the navel drawn into the spine without disturbing the shape of the back.

Movement: Inhale to prepare. Exhale to lift opposite arm and leg simultaneously - toe inline with hip, hand (palm down) inline with shoulder. Careful not to overreach. Keep pulling shoulder blades down the back with both sides of the waist long. Shoulders and hips stay square to the floor. Inhale to hold. Exhale to lower.

Repeat 6 times, changing sides.

Top tip: Try to keep the hip and knee on the supporting leg aligned. No bulging out to the side!


The Bees Knees Exercises


Dead Bugs - Hold